Sunday 21 October 2012

A beach getaway holiday

After spending the first week of my 2-week holiday at home waiting for Danie to finish teaching, we made a last-minute decision to head down south.  After more than six months of being inland we were suffering from some serious beach-withdrawal and decided to go back to Koh Phangan.  Since Danie still had class on Tuesday, we could only leave Rangsit in the late afternoon.  

With everything being last-minute (as usual) and packing, and making sure the animals had enough food and water, taking up a lot more time than expected and Danie's class running overtime, we eventually got to the van stop at around 6pm.  After having a hard time finding a van and standing around for more than 30mins we eventually got one and the mad dash to Khaosan commenced.  Once there we started hitting up travel agencies trying to find tickets and JUST managed to make the check-in time of 8pm for the last bus.  After about an hour and a half of waiting around (typical in Thailand) we were eventually on our way.

We arrived at the pier in Chumporn at around 5am and settled in for the two hour wait for our ferry to arrive.  I was rather nervous about having to take the catamaran again, as the last time had been rather torturous due to seasickness, so I had stocked up on motion-sickness tablets before leaving Rangsit.  Thankfully the tablets  worked like a charm and I could spend my entire holiday motion-sickness free.  

If you are ever in Thailand and in need of a good motion-sickness tablet, you'll be able to find them at any pharmacy or even at little home shops.  They are small, round and flat and are pale yellow in colour. They come in a clear strip with Dimenhydrinate written on it in red.  As you'll see from my smile in the photo, I was feeling pretty good.

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