Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Special Needs

In Thailand the special needs kids are not separated from the others, but are in fact integrated into the normal classes.

This can be a very disruptive and sometimes disturbing sight. The biggest problem here seems to be autism. One is often left unsure of how much these kids actually understand, if anything at all.

In one of my high school classes I have one such student. He mostly sits through classes smiling inanely and occasionally laughing at random things. He's not disruptive though so he's not a bother, but as I only see my students once a week I simply don't have the time to give him any special attention.

My colleague Sam is more unfortunate in that his special student is at primary level and can be very disruptive at times. He has random fits of crying and throwing tantrums and often has to be calmed down by Sam's Thai teaching assistant.

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